DRONE AERIAL PERSPECTIVESDrone aerial perspectives
The world has changed and technology advances by leaps and bounds. FINCAS COS is at the forefront of new technologies. Therefore, we have our own photography and aerial filming equipment with 4K resolution.
With this technology, we offer our prospective customers a new perspective to view the properties. Moreover, we obtain innovative and striking images, which allow you to fully see the properties. We will offer you details which are impossible to see from the mainland, from a position which was unthinkable until recently. By investing in these media, this technological innovation is available to all our customers.
The use of aerial images we will get helps to better understand your property, to identify the environment, access paths, details ... All this will become one of the best marketing tools that exist when presenting and promoting your housing, in a highly competitive environment as is the real estate market.

This service is free for our customers and is available for those properties that allow the legal use of these media.
Contact us to let us get a new perspective on your property. FINCAS COS +34 93 363 35 00